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Welcome to the Richmond Dive Club Membership page. Membership in the Richmond Dive Club is a great way to meet and share stories with divers with similar interests, stay informed on the latest diving news and play an active role in building the Richmond diving community.

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* Membership level

Benefits of Single and Family Membership:

  • Free local diving and food at designated RDC hosted events
  • Parties, guest speakers and special events
  • Increased education and training from experienced divers
  • Voting privileges


The fiscal health of the Richmond Dive Club is only one aspect that makes our Club as strong as it is. Your dues help to support Diver Days at Lake Phoenix and great speakers at our monthly meetings.

Dues are $40 for a single membership, $60 for family* memberships and $130 for corporate memberships. Dues are based on the fiscal year beginning March 1 and ending on February 28.

*Family members must reside at the same address and include dependents under the age of 18 and/or full-time students living at home and away at school.

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